WATCH: Lee Herbet Talks Through Functionality and Reliability of the SanDisk Professional G-RAID Shuttle SSD
Capture.Ink is a video production company dedicated to producing high-quality and professionally created documentaries and corporate film production work.
In this video, filmmaker Lee Herbet shares his experience in using the G-RAID Shuttle SSD 32TB and how it has made his workflow more efficient for live streaming events.
Herbet raves over the functionality and reliability of the powerhouse storage hard drive, highlighting its ideal storage capacity all in one location, speed for easier editing, transportability, and power to support multi-stream workflows.
The G-RAID Shuttle SSD has proven its capacity to handle demanding load, Herbet says, and is ideal for passionate and creative content makers in search of maximum performance from their storage hard drives.

Through his production company,, Lee and his team have helped some of the biggest brands in the world tell their stories. He’s a cinematographer with a passion for teaching photography/video and editing. He delivers workshops all over the world and writes for a number of online photography and video sites on topics ranging from reviews to “how to” articles.
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